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Why is A HIPAA Dental Consent Form Necessary?

HIPAA dental consent forms are essential for safeguarding patient privacy, which is crucial for protecting your practice. They also demonstrate respect and value for your relationships with patients and their families.


When it comes to HIPAA compliance and social media marketing—which involves sharing valuable content—it's understandable to have some apprehension about taking and sharing photos and videos from your dental practice. However, with a few guidelines and some team training, your practice can avoid common dental HIPAA compliance violations and share photos worry-free.

What You Need to Know About Consent Forms

Is a consent form for dental photography needed for patient photos?
What should the dental HIPAA form include?

Whenever your practice shares any photo or video that includes patient PHI on your pages, it’s necessary to obtain their consent. This is a fundamental requirement of dental HIPAA compliance. A good patient photo consent form should cover the following items:


Authorization Details: Permission for your practice to share a photo or video on your social media accounts.

Purpose of Authorization: Social media and/or advertising.

Revocation Power: The patient's ability to revoke the authorization and the expiration date of this power.

Copy for the Patient: Option for the patient to receive a copy of the form.

Authorization Entity: Your practice name.

Signatures: Space for the patient or parent/guardian of a minor to sign and date.


Watch our video and download our free consent form template for more information. If you have questions about creating a consent form for your specific circumstances, consult with your practice attorney.

Team Training

Train your team on your practice’s HIPAA-compliant social media policy. Ensure everyone knows what they can post, how to invite patients to participate in your social media, and who to consult if there’s a question. Remind them of the values your online presence should reflect.

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The Best Photos and Strategies Don’t Require HIPAA Consent

This might sound counterintuitive, but hear us out. The best digital marketing opportunities arise when patients take photos and share them on their own social media accounts. When a patient takes a photo, shares it on their social media, and tags your practice, there is no need for HIPAA consent. Your practice can then share their post on your business page. This approach is simpler and more effective for promoting your practice because all the patient’s friends will see it!


Remember, HIPAA and privacy policies exist to protect patients, not create barriers. Don’t let fear or doubt prevent you from taking advantage of valuable opportunities to build relationships through patient and team photos. By adhering to a few common-sense safeguards and ensuring your entire team is trained, you can confidently and comfortably include practice photos and videos in your social media marketing efforts.

Download the HIPAA dental consent form and train your team to get signatures. Keeping your practice clear of HIPAA disclosure issues is simpler than you think.

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